Smart Lean BIM ™
Online BIM Execution Plans
Online BIM Execution Plans

What if all Owners had an intuitive, collaborative and visual method to identify the BIM they actually need?

What if every Architect, Engineer and Consultant could easily agree on exactly what BIM scope they’re signing up for?

What is LOD Planner?
The simple BIM management solution

Create your Free BIM Execution Plan now:
We believe in Owners, Architects, Engineers, and Contractors agreeing on BIM
We believe in simple BIM planning
We believe in crafting a beautiful and visual BIM management platform
Three modules:
BIM Execution Plan
Visual LOD Matrix
BIM Management
Create your Free BIM Execution Plan now:
BIM Blogs:
The Ultimate BIM Software List For 2019
The most comprehensive BIM Software list on the planet 😉
Top 10 “Evil BIM” Challenges List
BIM is essential for improving our industry’s efficiency however when BIM is not…
What is BIM?
A “What Is BIM” explanation that even your Grandma would understand!
Recorded BIM Webinars:
Create your BIM Execution Plan: